May VE Celebrations 2020 - Mar 28, 2020
May day took on a new meaning this year and Victory in Europe day we hope will mean the start of a new normal, setting out how we move from lock down into meeting our loved ones and getting back to work for some and planning ahead for many.
VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, marks the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe.

We are now six weeks in lock down and longer for some. It’s a new world for us all and many uncertainties to follow as yet but optimism that shooting, stalking and fishing will resume before long at least to some degree.
We were touched and saddened last week by the loss to Corvid 19 of a retired keeper with whom we had kept in touch by letter, sent magazines and rang him most weeks for a chat. He just wanted to remain connected to the world of keepering and was devoted to his dog and his surroundings near where he had worked. Going into hospital for a totally unrelated problem, he sadly did not return home. It is and was a horrible time for his devoted family, and for many more people round the country. Our hearts go out to them all.
We are focussed on keeping in touch and responding to a number of calls regarding jobs and homes at the moment. Ladies packs are proving popular and keep our postman busy and our #gwtgettingthroughtheweek we hope provides some tips and thoughts on keeping yourselves on the right track.
This week we are sending out treats to our beneficiaries and individual keepers and members of the family on their own or in isolation. Little things can mean a lot.
Take care and keep safe and let's celebrate VE day wherever we are and however we can. So many gave their lives so we could have our freedom and our health, this goes on with our wonderful carers today.